Strays Fed! 🐾❤️

A huge thank you to @woofmyroof for trusting us to help feed the strays on your behalf! We know how challenging it can be to care for so many dogs, and we hope we have lightened the load a bit. 🙏 It was heartwarming to see these strays well-fed and slowly learning to trust the […]
With Aisar & Vincent influence, we hope to rally support and bring Kak Iman one step closer to recovery

In the midst of their packed schedules, @aisar_khaledd and @vincent_khor_oe made it a priority to visit someone truly in need 🥺 Together with New Life Foundation, we brought them to meet Kak Iman, a brave mother fighting a devastating battle with brain cancer 💔 Her condition is critical, and she urgently needs funds for her […]